88x31 buttons

specifically, ones i've made (or at least edited because i'm nitpicky)




skip button group A condensed collage of every Muse album Muse - A condensed collage of every Muse album Showbiz Muse - Showbiz Origin of Symmetry Muse - Origin of Symmetry Hullabaloo Muse - Hullabaloo Absolution Muse - Absolution Black Holes and Revelations Muse - Black Holes and Revelations The Resistance Muse - The Resistance The 2nd Law Muse - The 2nd Law Drones Muse - Drones Simulation Theory Muse - Simulation Theory Will of the People Muse - Will of the People Will of the People Muse Muse


Garfield smoking a pipe


Gay boy flag LGBT+ pride now!


Take back the web with Firefox GrapheneOS


Crawler, Free 5GB Email Get a computer now! ISO 8601 now! Format dates as YYYY-MM-DD W3C Bad HTML Markup (poorly drawn over the validated markup button) Hosted by Neocities


need more buttons in nicely sorted categories? try 88by31.neocities.org

need EVEN MORE buttons? like an absolutely unmanageable unsorted list of thousands of buttons? try this site!
and look at the "make your own collection" tab too, it links to even more massive unmanageable lists of buttons

project files

you scrolled down a little so you must be like. a turbo nerd
so, if you're interested in editing some of these, i have some xcf (gimp) project files available!
if it isn't listed here, there probably isn't much of a project file to really have, no layers or anything
if you do anything particularly cool, i'd love to know :D